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Applications now closed

Please fill out the form below to be the first to know of any future co-horts:




I am not guaranteeing any part scholarships for this programme as I am running it at a low rate. If, however, the above is not affordable for you, please do reach out - depending on the take up I may have one or two spaces. These spaces will be prioritised for those who are unemployed, members of the BIPOC community and women who work supporting other women in a low paid sector.


Refunds and Cancellations


Transparency is a core value of mine and whilst this course is new, I have put a lot of effort into an accurate representation of the course experience as possible. I am also happy to answer your questions in advance. Because of this I do not offer refunds once the course has started. Thank you for understanding.


Why only women?


My private practice is mainly made of women, and I know this material well enough to speak to this in a group setting. This course is also open to non-binary folk.


Will there be a VIP option for extra support?


There will not be an option for a VIP. I know this is commonplace in many programmes, but it does not align well for me. I will however make a little space for anyone wanting to book a one to one with me throughout the programme. These will be at the rate of £115 per session.


What extra support will there be?


The whole thing will be run on a platform away from Social Media where you can ask questions in-between of other women and myself. 


What if I cannot make the live classes?


Your participation is encouraged live but classes are recorded and will be available for a minimum of 12 months.


Will there be handouts?


Yes, the techniques and tools will be also given out in the form of handouts.


I am experiencing a high level of trauma responses right now, is this course for me?


Anyone who is currently meeting a high level of trauma responses right now would be best to book a consultation with me for one to one work. Note, I am not taking on new clients until around April but you can add your name to the waitlist here.

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